1 min read

Log #6 - Sick

I've been sick all week, which has definitely slowed me down. My eyes were constantly burning whenever I looked at a screen, so I only did the essentials.

It's in moments like these that I'm glad I decided to cut down 80% of my projects to focus on what truly matters 😅

Here's what I accomplished this week:

  • Spirit Animal World: I scheduled all the articles for Spirit Animal World through the end of the year.
  • Freelance Copywriting: I reached out to 6 leads, but no responses yet.
  • Personal Blog: I updated it a bit, using some new coding skills I've acquired.
  • Coding: I finally finished the JavaScript YouTube tutorial, which took me 69 hours and 33 minutes to complete!

I also realized something about Attached Academy.

While building seremettredunerupture.com back in 2018, I used Google Ads to get my first email subscribers and, at the same time, my first clients. Back then, it made sense because the CPC was extremely low.

Thanks to a friend who’s learning how to sell funnels using Meta Ads, I thought back to what I did with Google Ads and asked myself, "Why not try a funnel for Attached Academy using Meta Ads?"

The risk is low and fits my situation now, so I’ll likely give it a go next week.